Thursday, April 30, 2009

Please Welcome...

As I said in my last announcement, I had a few other ladies I wanted to invite to join. I admire these women as they all have many different qualities, talents and gifts that I think would greatly enhance this blog and the information provided to those interested in domestic service.

So without further ado I introduce you to....

Princess Mandy is a good friend of mine and from the first day of knowing her I thought of her as a kinky Martha Stewart. She has a great sense of style in everything she does - crafts, decorating, entertaining, cooking, baking and everything else! I know her posts will contain so many wonderful ideas that inspire.

And Katie - who was the inspiration for this blog. When I think of domestic service, Katie is the first person that comes to mind. She has taught me so much and inspires me to take my service further. She sews, gardens, does canning, cooks and bakes from scratch, knits and so much more. I know that her posts will be invaluable to this blog.

So please welcome Princess Mandy and Katie! I know I am thrilled to have them join us!

(Edit: Just adding this as a note - in inviting these wonderful women - I have made it clear they don't have to contribute a set amount. They can contribute as much or little as they want. I am just thrilled to have them post anything as I know it will be good!)

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