Someone on the domestic group over on FetLife shared 2 links to articles from this site and I ended up spending quite a lot of time looking at the website in general. And so going to add it to the sidebar.
It is called Tipnut.com and it is ALL things that appeal to me:
"Tipnut.com began as a way to organize all the household tips, craft projects, recipes, kitchen & cooking tips and other neat-o hints that I've collected over the years. It's been expanded to share cool ideas and projects that I've found online (one of the most popular features of Tipnut). This handy resource site now shares over 1,000 tips and projects for you to enjoy! I hope you'll find something useful."
OMG that's an awesome website! I totally had an idea to make something like my shared home journal online. This is definitely a resource I will keep in my back pocket.