Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday Favorites

I apologize for lack of posts this summer. It always seems the summer gets away from me so that my best laid plans often get toppled. So some times I just have to accept that I am doing the best I can with the time I have. Hopefully thing get back to normal and all the unfinished posts I have will be completed. But for now here is a Friday Favorites post.

Overwhelmed by Your To-Do List - tiny Buddha posts help me with my mental, emotional

Homemade Lemon Pepper - Jouet passed this link on and now I am sharing it here. We love lemon pepper and use it all the time - I would love to make it homemade. The rest of the blog has so many recipes that look great.

National Center for Home Food Preservation - this website has info on drying, freezing,canning, curing, smoking and several other ways to preservation. Just a huge resource.

Tip for washing Trash Cans

How to Clean Your Bathtub with a Grapefruit and Salt - just looks like an interesting cleaning method

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