Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tuesday Morning Deal

We are on Tuesday Morning snail mail list so we get an ad from them every few weeks. We both go nuts in Tuesday Morning so it is usually good if we don't go in there too much. Really Master loves it just as much as I do. My sister is having a baby and I have already been eying so many things in there!

And our house really has many things from Tuesday Morning in it as they just have incredible deals. Several years ago we bought these hand blown glasses. And we are down to one as they were just too delicate. But I loved them while we had them and they were so inexpensive that losing them this quickly didn't feel like too much of a break in our budget.

***colors and coolness factor not really showing up great in this photo! trust me they were cool!

Anyway...the real point of this post about a book. I reviewed the book Martha Stewart's Cooking School almost a year ago. It is a book that I would love to have - and I think for those wanting to learn to cook or step up their basic cooking skills it is a must-have.

We received Tuesday Morning's ad yesterday and it has that book. The book normally retails for $45 and it is reduced on Amazon but still you would save if you bought it at Tuesday Morning as it is $19.99. I think that is a great deal. So if you had it on your wish list or were thinking of picking it up - now at Tuesday Morning you can get it for $19.99. And it is a big book packed with quality info. Please read my review for more info on it.


  1. Thank you. I will pass this on to my wife to see if she wants to buy it for me and post the amazon book link in my lerners section.


  2. the Tuesday Morning URLs seem broken!
