Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday Favorites

Celebrate with Cake: Icing a Cake - not only good tips on how to ice a cake just and overall good blog.

Make Your Own Work Table Out of a Pallet - I really like this table - looks easy to make. And with spring coming and people preparing gardens it would be a good garden work table.

Need a Weekly Meal Planner, Grocery List...? - Cheap Healthy Good has compiled a list of links to weekly meal planners, grocery lists and price book.

Creative Uses for Kitchen Scraps

Home Basics - Cleaning a Ceiling Fan Video - This is a very quick video of how to clean a ceiling fan. We have one ceiling fan in our home and I do what they do except I don't lay down newspaper because I clean it first and then clean the rest of the room so any dust that falls get vacuumed up.

1 comment:

  1. Cleaning the ceiling fan:

    That is how I do it. For the ceiling fan above the bed, I put down an sheet. I do an extra step though. I spritz each blade with vinegar water mixture (it's in a spray bottle) to contain the most of the dust. If you just start wiping dust flies around. That makes me sneeze and causes extra clean up. Then I come back and wipe each blade with soap and water (depending on how dusty/dirty) or I wipe with a cloth soaked in the same vinegar and water solution.
