Friday, October 16, 2009

Fall Cleaning: Kitchen and Dining Room

* Dust above cabinets, baseboards, door and door frame
* Dust and vacuum all moderately dirty curtains and window treatments.Start by dusting from top to bottom using the upholstery or brush attachment for the vacuum. For blinds take a dampened microfiber cloth to them wiping them top to bottom.
* Very dirty curtains and window treatments - Wash or clean according to labels.
* Wash all windows - Using vinegar and water solution with a microfiber cloth. Remember to clean window sill and on top of window sill as well as the tracts and screen. Use toothbrush for hard to reach areas
* Take heating vent cover off - scrub heating vent cover and then using vacuum hose vacuum in the shaft and surrounding area.
* Clean ceiling-mounted light fixtures and ceiling fans.
* Dust, wash and dry all walls and baseboards. Dust Wallpapered walls.
* Cupboards and pantry - 1) remove all canned goods and spices - toss expired items. Non-perishables that you don't feel you will use before they expire donate. 2) empty cupboards of dishes, pots and pans. Things that are not needed - give to charity. Things that are broken - throw out. 3) Wipe down the inside and outside of cupboards and pantry - shelves and doors. 4) replace and reorganize - place like items with like items. 5) Holiday baking is coming up so remember to pull items used for that upfront - a special cake pan, cookie cutters, food coloring and such.
* Drawers and counters - 1) empty 2) wipe down inside and outside of drawers and tops of counters 3) replace and reorganize - clipped recipes, coupons, silverware, the "junk" drawer - organize to be useful.
* Wipe and clean all kitchen appliances from coffee maker, microwave, stand mixers, oven and so on - Use a magic eraser on small and large appliances (it makes them look brand new)
* Run dishwasher empty with vinegar - wipe down
* Clean garbage disposal - Sprinkle baking powder down garbage disposal - heat 1 to 2 cups vinegar to boiling and pour into garbage disposal. After fizzing has died down, run hot water while disposal is turned on. Then add some lemons slices and ice cubes (or just frozen lemon slices) and run the garbage disposal.
* Clean out and reorganize fridge and freezer - 1) throw out expired items or left overs that are too old to eat 2) Wipe inside of fridge and freezer 3) put items back in - organizing like items with like items and putting items that are going to expire first front 4) Clean outside of fridge - top, door, handle, back coils and behind front vent
* Clean inside and outside of trash can
* Clean all door handles, cupboard knobs, light switches and phones
* Wipe down table and chairs
* Wash dishes and clean sink
* Sweep and wash floor

* Declutter and reorganize - Make piles for charity items, trash and mend/repair - Get out holiday dishes and linens - clean and repair
* Polish silverware
* Dust furniture, baseboards, door and door frame
* Dust and vacuum all moderately dirty curtains and window treatments. Start by dusting from top to bottom using the upholstery or brush attachment for the vacuum. For blinds take a dampened microfiber cloth to them wiping them top to bottom.
* Very dirty curtains and window treatments - Wash or clean according to labels.
* Wash all windows - Using vinegar and water solution with a microfiber cloth. Remember to clean window sill and on top of window sill as well as the tracts and screen. Use toothbrush for hard to reach areas
* Take heating vent cover off - scrub heating vent cover and then using vacuum hose vacuum in the shaft and surrounding area.
* Clean ceiling-mounted light fixtures and ceiling fans.
* Dust, wash and dry all walls. Dust Wallpapered walls.
* Vacuum and spot clean upholstery
* Sweep/Vacuum and wash floors
* Decorate - replace summer table linens with fall/winter warmer colors

Download and Print: Fall Cleaning List - Kitchen and Fall Cleaning List - Dinging Room


  1. I love the fall cleaning lists! I've never done such intense cleaning before and hope to get started on it this week.

    Is Spring cleaning the same thing? If not are you going to post Spring cleaning lists when the time comes?

  2. Luna, spring cleaning for me is similar but of course there is things outdoors that are related to spring and warmer weather. I hope to do a list for spring cleaning but I would like to do an actual check list pdf this time. And I have other ideas for it. So hopefully I can make it work.
