Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday Favorites

Roasted Chickpea Snack - Sounds good to me - healthy and easy!

Quilt-Along - It has step by step instructions that are broken down into little segments. I have always wanted to make a quilt but been scared. I just picked up a basic sewing book again to get back into sewing so one day maybe I will be able to try quilting. I love the colors of the quilt in the first picture.

A little suga for the tootsies - I actually think I will have a whole post on homemade scrubs and salts at some point. But for now this is a good basic recipe with many ingredients right in your home at the moment.

Handmade Reusable Produce Bags - What a great idea! Now I am sure these could be made easily too. But the thought of buying a handmade product from someone verses something not as eco-friendly at Wal-mart makes me feel better.

Hints, Tips and Things - Now I think this site could be invaluable to many of us. You click on the room and then it has things you might need for that subject such as click on the office and it has currency converter, computer and printer terminology and so on. If you click on the workshop it has calculators for construction materials such as bricks, mortar, plaster and so on. If you click on the kitchen, it has links to tell you how to clean an oven, how to cook a great steak and so on. Just so many good things all in one site.

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