Saturday, April 4, 2009


I love that David Bowie song "Changes" so I am hearing it in my head as I write this....

Over the last week I have been making small adjustments to this blog in preparation for some big changes. For some time I have wanted to invite a few people to contribute on here. Therefore, it gives me great pleasure to introduce some new faces here. I've come to greatly admire these women as they all have many different qualities, talents and gifts that I think would greatly enhance what I wanted to do with this blog.

So, without further ado, a little introduction of these fabulous women....

The first contributer is a close dear friend of mine, Jouet. She has contributed recipes, articles and shared her experiences in slavery in a variety of forms over the years. Her passion lies in all things related to service and she has an amazing ability to express that passion through her writings. I have learned so much from her over the years and I am very thankful she was willing to share here.

My next contributer is kaya - who is great at keeping it real. And as someone who likes living life within reality of course her writings have always appealed to me for the raw honesty. Her talents exceed into a wide range of topics including recipes, gardening, raising kids while in service and doing things inexpensively to help save her Master money. She has such invaluable skills and experience share and look forward to reading her posts.

I do have more contributors in mind that I hope to be able to introduce to you shortly, but for now - I give you Jouet and kaya and as always if you have questions, thoughts, tips and anything else that can better enhance your experience here - drop me a line.

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